What is the stock market doing today
What is the stock market doing today

what is the stock market doing today

The amount buyers are willing to spend and sellers want to make determines the price of the stock. Issuing or selling stocks takes place through an IPO or initial public offering. Financial capital is raised through capital markets in two ways-by selling bonds, which are like loans that the business will repay at a later date with interest, or by selling stocks, which are sold in exchange for the partial ownership of the business. These are then used to make products or provide services to buyers. Enter: capital markets.įinancial capital is money entrepreneurs and businesses use to buy resources and supplies. John doesn't have the money to pay for all of this right now, but according to his business plan and test market results, he’s going to make millions in the first year. He needs more ingredients from his suppliers, like the fruit seller and the cone baker. In fact, there's so much demand he can't fill ice cream cones fast enough the business is growing! John needs to hire people to help him produce, sell, and deliver his ice cream.

what is the stock market doing today

John tests the market, and BOOM, his product is a hit. Yum! He saved his money in the bank, earned interest, and used that to start his business. John has an idea for a new business-delicious ice cream that's healthy enough to eat anytime of the day. They also give folks like you and me opportunities to save and invest for our futures. They help people with ideas become entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow into big companies. Capital markets include the stock market and the bond market. But our economy would not function the same without these markets-they are capital markets.Ĭapital markets are financial markets that bring buyers and sellers together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets. In fact, the buyers and sellers will probably never meet.

what is the stock market doing today

These are all examples of markets, but you might be surprised to learn that some important markets aren’t stores at all. What image comes to mind when you hear the word “market”? Do you picture a grocery store or a produce market in a town square, or perhaps a shopping mall?

What is the stock market doing today